Friday, August 10, 2012

Circular from BCC on the Pier Project

A Glossy Community Newsletter was delivered into the local area over the last 2-3 days regarding the Shorncliffe Pier Renewal Project. This details what is currently happening

Newsletter regarding the Pier

Letter re Hydrographic Surveys around the Pier

City Projects Office
Level 2, 171 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4001
GPO Box 1434 Brisbane Qld 4001
T 07 3403 8888

31 July 2012

Dear Resident / Business Owner

Shorncliffe Pier renewal project
Commencement of hydrographic survey works – 3 August 2012

In this year’s Brisbane City Council budget, Lord Mayor Graham Quirk committed $20 million in
funding to repair the Shorncliffe Pier.

As you may be aware, the pier was closed to the public in March 2012 for safety reasons. A
regular inspection of the pier determined the structure was unstable and required significant repair

Prior to the commencement of these repair works, Council must undertake a series of planning
activities to determine the most efficient means to carry out the works. As part of these planning
activities, Council will start hydrographic survey works around the pier on Friday, 3 August 2012.
Works will be carried out between 7am – 5pm, Monday to Friday. It is anticipated these works will
take approximately 1 – 2 weeks to complete.

The purpose of the hydrographic survey is to help Council measure and locate various features of
the surrounding marine environment. The data collected will then be used to assist Council to plan
and carry out the upcoming repair works.

The surveys will involve the collection and recording of data from both shore based measuring
equipment and a vessel on the water. These works are not expected to generate excessive noise
or cause any disruption to the local environment.

Council is committed to keeping the community informed about this project. If you have any
questions or would like more information, please call the project information line on 1800 884 681
or email After hours, please contact Council on

(07) 3403 8888.
Yours sincerely

Roger Caswell

Project Manager